Thursday, January 14, 2016

Blogging can often cause more problems than it creates. In order to properly blog people should have respect for one another. It is our responsibility to respect the people we want to inform while still saying what is wanted to be said. We have to understand that other people will be reading the blog and that you can't expect them to respect you if you do not show some form of respect in your writing. 

We should not allow respect from holding us back, if a subject is sensitive but needs to be talked about we have the responsibility to talk about it. We can not leave subjects in the dark because some people don't want to talk about it. The subject will never improve or change if it remains never to be talked about. It is our responsibility as bloggers to talk about what needs to be talked about while trying to respect all readers. It is that balance that every blogger should strive to find. 

I believe it is the same way when we communicate in general, we don't want to insult a person so badly that they don't want to talk anymore. In something like a debate however you need to get your point across, just try to do it in a respectful way. 

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